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osm charity international association

OSM CHARİTY has been working since 2022 with the aim of providing assistance to all people in need


About us

OSM CHARİTY has been working since 2022 with the aim of providing assistance to all people in need, who have been exposed to disaster, victims of war, natural disasters etc. or wounded, disabled, hungry, homeless and persecuted wherever they are. regardless of their religion, language, race or sect, and to prevent the violation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of these persons. The volunteer relief activities carried out byOSM CHARITY developed into an official organization in 2024 and spread to Tunisia, Britain, Egypt, Palestine, France and Libya, where it created a bridge of goodwill extending from Turkey to the aforementioned countries, and we hope to expand more in the future.

Our Mission

Giving all the needy and persecuted people the opportunity to live in dignity while providing aid wherever they are with the understanding of universal brotherhood to help prevent evil and spread goodness and justice.
Working to stop persecution and discrimination against people in order to prevent the violation of their basic rights and freedoms. And to maintain stable values ​​in an ever-changing world.

Let’s work together

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